عرض عمل مجاني بدولة قطر
رواتب : من 5000 ريال إلى 15000 ريال قطري
مجانية السكن والتأشيرة و تذكرة السفر
آخر أجل 15 نوفمبر.
ذكور وإناث
الوظائف كالتالي :
هام جدا : لايؤخذ بعين الإعتبار أي ملف لم يتم إيداعه مباشرة بمقر شركة الأولى التونسية للتوظيف العالمي ” تقديم الملف مجاني والعرض كذلك مجاني .
توقيت قبول الملفات من الساعة الثامنة ونصف صباحا إلى الساعة منتصف النهار. من يوم الإثنين إلى يوم السبت.
يرجى التقديم قبل يوم 15 نوفمبر
الملف يحتوي على :
- سيرة ذاتية باللغة الإنقليزية
- صورة شخصية صغيرة الحجم
- صورة شخصية “طول كامل “
- نسخة من جواز السفر
تحدث اللغة الإنقليزية شرط أساسي ، والمقابلة مع اللجنة سوف تكون باللغة الإنقليزية .
شركة الأولى التونسية للتوظيف العالمي
شركة توظيف بالخارج مرخصة من طرف وزارة التشغيل
عمارة عدد32 نهج إيران قبالة محطة الميترو نيلسن مانديلا – لافيات تونس العاصمة .
الطابق الثاني مكتب عدد 206
Security Access Control
Male & Female
Salary : 5000 QAR
Accommodation, Transportation, Medical, Uniform, and PPE will be provided by the Company.
Language Required: English
Age: Minimum – 26 Maximum – 55
Background Experience Required:
- Minimum of 5-years of security .
- Security experience must be in a national or international recognized security guarding company. National security company must have more than 200 security guards in post.
- Strictly: Security experience must be within a healthcare entity, 4/5-star hotel, airport, or shopping mall , policy or military ,
- Please note employment certificate details under the Recruitment Clause
Physical Appearance :
- Male candidate must be a minimum of 1.80 meters in height.
- Female candidate must be a minimum of 1.65 meters in height.
- Candidate must not be excessive overweight or underweight.
Selection Criteria for Employment:
Candidates will be selected based upon the following:
- Passing a face-to-face interview .
- Demonstrate an advance knowledge and understanding of security practices in a set scenario.
- Experience gained in relation to the required role
Security Response Team officers
Male & Female
Salary : 10000 QAR
Accommodation, Transportation, Medical, Uniform, and PPE will be provided by the Company.
Language Required: English
Age: Minimum – 28 Maximum – 55
Background Experience Required:
Minimum of 7-years security experience in one of the following positions:
- Working in a Mental Health Facility and dealing with patients in frontline role and assisting with violent patients and restraining patients. Typical roles here can be orderlies, nursing assistants, PCA (personal care attendants), PSW (personal support workers) and health care aids.
- Working in a police high risk reaction unit or specialized unit that deals with high-risk incidents or conflict. The unit must be recognized internationally as a specialized unit.
- Working in a military high-risk reaction unit or specialized unit that deals with high-risk incidents or conflict. The unit must be recognized internationally as a specialized unit. Please note employment certificates details under Recruitment Clause
Physical Strength and Endurance Requirements:
During the interview stages and periodically thereafter, candidates will have to meet the following requirements:
- Male candidates must be able to complete 20 pushups in 25 seconds.
- Male candidates must be able to carry 50 kg across 30 meters.
- Male candidates must be able to run up and down three flights of stairs in 25 seconds.
- Female candidates must be able to complete 10 pushups in 25 seconds.
- Female candidates must be able to carry 25 kg across 30 meters.
- Female candidates must be able to run up and down three flights of stairs in 30 seconds.
Physical Appearance :
- a. Male candidate must be a minimum of 1.80 meters in height.
- b. Female candidate must be a minimum of 1.65 meters in height.
- c. Candidate must not be excessive overweight or underweight.
Selection Criteria for Employment:
Candidates will be selected based on the following:
- Passing a face-to-face interview.
- Demonstrate advance knowledge and understanding of conflict resolution and dealing with incidents that is highly stressful.
- Experience in relation to the required role.
- Passing English language test – see recruitment clause.
- Candidates will be selected based upon the following.
- Passing a face-to-face interview.
- Demonstrate advance knowledge and understanding of conflict resolution and dealing with incidents that is highly stressful.
- Experience in relation to the required role.
Security Response Supervisors
Male & Female
Salary : 15000 QAR
Accommodation, Transportation, Medical, Uniform, and PPE will be provided by the Company.
Language Required: English
Age: Minimum – 32 Maximum – 55
Background Experience Required :
Minimum of 10-years security experience in one of the following positions:
- Working in a Mental Health Facility and dealing with patients in frontline role – work experience must be produced.
- Obtained the rank of Warrant Officer in a police high risk reaction unit or specialized unit that deals with high-risk incidents or conflict. The unit must be recognized internationally as a specialized unit. And in this role was responsible for the following :
- Leading a team, I manage a team / appointed as team leader or unit commander.
- Extensive operational experience in dealing with high-risk incidents.
- Please note employment certificates details under Recruitment Clause
Physical Strength and Endurance Requirements :
- During the interview stages and periodically thereafter, candidates will have to meet the following requirements:
- Male candidates must be able to complete 20 pushups in 25 seconds.
- Male candidates must be able to carry 50 kg across 30 meters.
- Male candidates must be able to run up and down three flights of stairs in 25 seconds.
- Female candidates must be able to complete 10 pushups in 25 seconds.
- Female candidates must be able to carry 25 kg across 30 meters.
- Female candidates must be able to run up and down three flights of stairs in 30 seconds.
Physical Appearance :
- Male candidate must be a minimum of 1.80 meters in height.
- Female candidate must be a minimum of 1.65 meters in height.
- Candidate must not be excessive overweight or underweight.
Selection Criteria for Employment:
Candidates will be selected based on the following:
- Passing a face-to-face interview.
- Demonstrate advance knowledge and understanding of conflict resolution and dealing with incidents that is highly stressful.
- Experience in relation to the required role.
En savoir plus sur Tunisie Concours
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جاهزين للعمل متقاعد شرطة ولدي الخبرة و إلمام في العمل
طارق هاشم شمس الدين
جاهزين للعمل متقاعد شرطة وعندي الخبرة الكافية على العمل بريدي الالكتروني yahya7altamimi1977@gmail.com
جاهز ان شاء الله
جاهزة للعمل
جاهز ان شاءالله
جاهز للعمل وربنا يوفقها أن شاء الله
Je suis algérien électricien engin Michel lourd
تفاصيل أكثر
خالد عوض حضرمي جاهز أي مكان العمل
جاهز للعمل
جاهز خبرة شرطة مدرب فنون قتالية متحصل على بطولة المغرب العربي وإنشألله نكون عند حسن ضنكم
Ben mefteh awatef hygiène sécurité environnement جاهزة
ان شاءالله جاهز
جاهزه ان شاء الله للعمل
جاهز للعمل بينهم ناصر من تونس رقمي 0021627165674
جاهزه للعمل بسمه ناصر من تونس رقمي 0021627165674